About Us
About Us
Founded by its Chairperson Dr. Maya Shahani and Managing Director Akhil Shahani, Shahani Trust is the CSR arm of the Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management. SAGE is committed to educating under resourced children and providing them with wealth generating skills training for gainful employment. The Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management, has arranged for scholarships and bank loans for these children to receive globally recognized, industry based management degrees, as well as other vocational courses like banking and media.
The Shahani Group believes in equity in education. Known for ethical excellence, its greatest strength is its credibility, visibility and networking base. Apart from promoting quality education, a new initiative of the Shahani Group, Shamz Foodz works towards addressing hunger.
Through adopting major slums and villages in and around Mumbai. SAGE envisages transforming the world one village at a time and received recognition at the Clinton Global Initiative for this vision.
Under the aegis of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, through Global Dialogue Foundation, SAGE works on creating a Unity in Diversity by embracing multiculturism, creating civil society country chapters and building Peace Gardens.
SAGE has partnered with global organisations like Rock Your Life to create a Conscious Leadership Movement and Buy1Give1 to enhance its slum and village development programs. Along with the HSNC Board and the Times Foundation SAGE has also partnered with several other NGO’s in India as the founders of SAGE believe in collective endeavour for maximum benefit to society.
Environment is a serious concern. SAGE has partnered with PATT Foundation for tree plantations in India.
Shahani Trust is a not for profit foundation, incorporated on the 30th of April 2007 in Mumbai under section 25 of the Companies Act 1956. The company is limited. Corporate Identity Number: U85300MH2007NPL170456. It has the 80G and FCRA clearance.
Board of directors

Maya Shahani
Chairperson of the Shahani Trust

Akhil Shahani
Managing Director of Shahani Trust

Kishore Shahani
Director, Finance, of Shahani Trust

Dr. Rajesh Advani
Director, Marketing, Shahani Trust
Board of directors
Shahani Trust has worked across sectors with range of partners. Here are some highlights.