Shahani Trust

Launch of the Unity in Diversity Citizen’s Movement

Unity in Diversity works in the field of citizen diplomacy and uses ‘dialogue’ to promote intercultural understanding. In collaboration with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, it’s objective is to initiate, promote and foster cooperation among the global community in a range of intercultural initiatives that aim to establish a peaceful and safer coexistence.

Unity in Diversity – World Civil Society is the nucleus of a planetary citizens assembly, which aims to represent every culture, ethnicity and civilization at the local, regional and global (UN) levels, committed to increasing capacity in communities so that citizens may integrate while maintaining their cultural identity and heritage, and may better contribute to mainstream society.  Not as citizens alone, but together and in collaboration with local, state, federal governments and international institutions this vision will become successful.

The UN welcomes and requires these endeavours of bringing together governments, international organizations, private business sector, civil society organizations and individuals to enhance understanding through constructive dialogue and to boost the implementation of the UN sustainable Development Goals.


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